- Jette Joop -
For more than 20 years, in addition to people, the aspects of sustainability and economy have been in the foreground for us in the development and production of JETTE products.

Jette Joop was born in Braunschweig, Germany. She attended high school in Hamburg and completed her school education in Oxford, England with the International Baccalaureate. After her school graduation she started her design studies at the Art Center College of Design in California, USA and made her degree with the Bachelor of Science. Amongst others she worked as a designer for Barry Kieselstein-Cord and Polo Ralph Lauren in New York after her graduation.
Jette Joop founded her own company in 1997. Today's JETTE Group works in Hamburg, Potsdam and Berlin. The JETTE brand is present in many market segments, primarily in the jewelry and fashion industry. For more than 20 years, the aspects of sustainability and economy have been in the foreground in development and production in addition to people. The JETTE SPORT brand incorporates these factors into its corporate philosophy with the sustainable certificate “The green button”.

Jette Joop was a full member of the Goethe Institute. Jette Joop has been a children's ambassador for the German Red Cross since September 2003 and is involved in various DRK projects. In 2003 she took over a deputy professorship for the "Industrial Design" course at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
In Potsdam, Jette Joop is committed to species diversity and biodiversity (of flora and fauna) with the preservation and promotion of original natural areas (e.g. toad land).
2006: Duftstars Award - for the fragrance "Jette" category "Best Perfume Prêt-à-porter"
2008: Golden Pea - for her commitment as a children's ambassador of the DRK, Verein Märchenland eV
2009: Leading Ladies Award - category "Companies with female power international"
2011: Store of the Year 2011 - Jette Concept Store in Berlin
2016: Bild der Frau Fashion Award - category "Designer"
2016: look! Women of the Year Award - category “Look! at Fashion Awards”